Browsing by Author Nguyen Phong Nguyen

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Showing results 24 to 43 of 48 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022How brand innovativeness generates positive word of mouthPham Hung Cuong
2022How do innovation and financial reporting influence public sector performance in a transition market?Tran Thi Yen
2018How does Authentic Leadership Influence Employee-Organization Relationship? The Mediating Role of Symmetrical Internal CommunicationHoang Thi Kim Quy
2020Human resource slack, sustainable innovation, and environmental performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in sub-Saharan AfricaAdomako S.
2022The impact of internal control systems on the intensity of innovation and organizational performance of public sector organizations in Vietnam: the moderating role of transformational leadershipTu Thanh Hoai
2020The impact of passion influence performance - Does negotiation a missing link? The case of the Vietnamese B2B sales industryNguyen Phong Nguyen
2022The impacts of digital transformation on data-based ethical decision-making and environmental performance in Vietnamese manufacturing firms: The moderating role of organizational mindfulnessNguyen Phong Nguyen
2018Ineffective internal communication of importing process in Srithai Limited CompanyNguyen Thi Thuy
2023Internal controls driven by mindfulness toward enhanced ethical behaviors: Empirical evidence from VietnamNguyen Phong Nguyen
2022International orientation and environmental performance in Vietnamese exporting small- and medium-sized enterprisesNguyen Phong Nguyen
2016Knowledge sharing between marketing and accounting from a coopetitive perspective: empirical evidence from VietnamNguyen Phong Nguyen
2015Laissez-faire leadership behaviors in public sector in VietnamDiep Nguyen
2021Managers' understanding of artificial intelligence in relation to marketing financial services: insights from a cross-country studyEmmanuel Mogaji
2020Mindfulness and job performance: does creativity matter?Liem Viet Ngo
2023Performance implications of the interaction between the accountants' participation in strategic decision-making and accounting capacityHung Quang Bui
2023Performance implications of the interaction between the accountants’ participation in strategic decision-making and accounting capacityHung Quang Bui
2022The Personal Globe Inventory: The structure of vocational interest in VietnamPhilip Rose
2017Psychological safety climate and workplace bullying in Vietnam’s public sectorDiep T. N. Nguyen
2022Results-oriented culture and organizational performance: the mediating role of financial accountability in public sector organizations in VietnamYen Thi Tran 
2023The role of organizational justice and job satisfaction in mitigating turnover intention of emotionally exhausted employees: evidence from VietnamPhong Dong Nguyen