Browsing by Author Vo Xuan Vinh

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Showing results 71 to 90 of 96 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Reassessing the Predictability of the Investor Sentiments on US Stocks: The Role of Uncertainty and RisksMobeen Ur Rehman
2012Relationships between service personal values, service attributes and customer satisfaction: A study of restaurant services in VietnamNguyen Thi Tuyet Hong
2011Relationships between Vietnam's stock prices and United States's stock prices, exchange rates, gold prices, crude oil pricesDo Ngoc Anh
2022Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption in Bangladesh: The relative influencing profiles of economic factors, urbanization, physical infrastructure and institutional qualityMd. Monirul Islam
2022Renewable energy-economic growth nexus revisited for the USA: do different approaches for modeling structural breaks lead to different findings?Umit Bulut
2022The return and volatility connectedness of NFT segments and media coverage: Fresh evidence based on news about the COVID-19 pandemicZaghum Umar
2022Return and volatility connectedness of the non-fungible tokens segmentsZaghum Umar
2012Return and volatility spillovers Vietnamese and some Asian marketsNguyen Vinh Nghiem
2023Risks and supply chain performance: globalization and COVID-19 perspectivesAn Thi Binh Duong
2022The role of inflation in financial development-economic growth link in sub-Saharan AfricaMuazu Ibrahim
2022Sensitivity of US sectoral returns to energy commodities under different investment horizons and market conditionsMobeen Ur Rehman
2022The spatial distribution dynamic and convergence of CO2 emissions in Iran's provincesMuhammad Shahbaz
2022The spatial distribution dynamic and convergence of CO2 emissions in Iran’s provincesMuhammad Shahbaz
2022Spillover and risk transmission between the term structure of the US interest rates and Islamic equitiesZaghum Umar
2022Spillovers and connectedness between green bond and stock markets in bearish and bullish market scenariosWalid Mensi
2023Spillovers and Portfolio Management Between the Uncertainty Indices of Oil and Gold and G7 Stock MarketsWalid Mensi
2022Spillovers of global liquidity and monetary policy divergence from advanced economies to VietnamChau Le
2022Stock market efficiency in Asia: Evidence from the Narayan–Liu–Westerlund's GARCH-based unit root testOlaOluwa S. Yaya
2022Strategic archetypes, credit ratings, and cost of debtMan Dang
2014The effects of empowerment and job enrichment on employee loyalty in a downsizing and reducing salary enviroment: empirical evidence from the banking industry in VietNamHuynh Thi Kim Hanh