Browsing by Author Nguyen C.P.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Alleviating energy poverty for forest conservation: It seems to work, but what are we missing?Nguyen C.P.
2023Capital investment in tourism: A global investigationNguyen C.P.
2020Determinants of stock market returns in emerging markets: The linkage between institutional quality and macro liquidityNguyen C.P.
2021Do Institutions and technologies matter for trade openness? Empirical evidence from african countriesNguyen C.P.
2021Does energy poverty matter for gender inequality? Global evidenceNguyen C.P.
2021Easing economic vulnerability: Multidimensional evidence of financial developmentNguyen C.P.
2021Economic integration and economic complexity: The role of basic resources in absorptive capability in 40 selected developing countriesNguyen C.P.
2021The energy-growth nexus revisited: An analysis of different types of energyLe T.-H.
2021Export quality dynamics: multidimensional evidence of financial developmentNguyen C.P.
2021Financial development and energy poverty: global evidenceNguyen C.P.
2020Financing renewable energy development: Insights from 55 countriesLe T.H.
2021Financing the economy: The multidimensional influences of financial development on economic complexityNguyen C.P.
2021An inquiry into the nexus between energy poverty and income inequality in the light of global evidenceNguyen C.P.
2020Institutions, economic openness and credit cycles: An international evidenceNguyen C.P.
2023Local government capacity and total factor productivity growth: evidence from an Asian emerging economyThanh Dinh S.
2021Tourism, institutional quality, and environmental sustainabilityNguyen C.P.
2021Twin balances, public governance and private investment: Quantile estimation for OECD countriesSu T.D.
2021Uncertainty, financial development, and FDI inflows: Global evidenceNguyen C.P.
2021The ‘vicious cycle’ of energy poverty and productivity: insights from 45 developing countriesNguyen C.P.
2021The vulnerability effect of international tourism on a destination’s economyNguyen C.P.