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dc.contributor.authorXuan Lan Pham-
dc.contributor.otherMinh Tien Pham-
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted through two steps. First step, the author discussed with 12 students under the department / agency, different courses studying at University of Economics and Law in the HCM City, to identify the determinants of University Education Service Quality Level which influence the Undergraduate Satisfaction in their courses of studies. Second step, the author studied with a sample size of 557 students were selected in the judgment, the data collection was conducted through direct interviews with the questionnaire. Data analysis bases on Cronbach's α , exploring factor analysis (EFA), correlation, linear regression, t-test, ANOVA-test, ... In the order of importance, our research results have revealed the following 6 factors determining how satisfied the undergraduates are towards the University Education Programme: (1) Access, (2) Academic, (3) Support Services, (4) Non-Academic, (5) Infrastructure and (6) Program Issues. In addition, three other factors identified to be the control variables were also revealed in this research: (1) Place of Residence (2) Academic Year and (3) Specialisation in the universityen
dc.formatPortable Document Format (PDF)-
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the 9th International Days of Statistics and Economics, 10-12/09/2015-
dc.subjectService qualityen
dc.subjectStudent satisfactionen
dc.subjectHigher educationen
dc.subjectHigher learningen
dc.titleThe influence of education service quality level on student satisfaction - the research on the university of law & Economics HCMC caseen
dc.typeConference Paperen
item.fulltextOnly abstracts-
item.openairetypeConference Paper-
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers
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