Title: | Determinants of student’s Success in ABU Robocon: a case of Lac Hong University |
Author(s): | Nguyen T.-L. |
Keywords: | ABU Robocon; Determinants; Lac Hong Univers itv; Student’s success; VisioiL domains |
Abstract: | Participating in robotics competitions, including ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest (ABU Robocon), has been a preferred learning environment to identify and foster student’s creative potentials and skills for high quality 21st century workforce. Lac Hong University (LHR and its students have made special achievements in ABU Robocon. Therefore, this study aims at identifying the determinants of their success as a typical example, so that, we can have proper actions or strategies to motivate students in actively participating in technological challenges/competitions for their future success. Top key determinants identified in this study include: student’s passion in robotics and in innovations; interest of school leaders, faculties and staffs in the field school supports for student’s makerspace; collaboration among team members and experiences from previous teams, their practice/trials; preparedness for future careers and vision of the development in robotics and mechatronics domains. © Medwell Journal 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019 |
Publisher: | Asian Research Publishing Network |
Series/Report no.: | Vol. 14, Issue 5 |
URI: | http://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/61779 |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.36478/JEASCI.2019.1668.1675 |
ISSN: | 1819-6608 |