Title: | Exploring study of the psychological contract on the relationship between supervisors and Ph.D Students: The moderating of confucian values |
Author(s): | Tran Thi Ngoc Tram |
Advisor(s): | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Mai Dong |
Keywords: | Psychological contract; Knowledge sharing; Psychological empowerment; Stress; Well-being; Confucian values |
Abstract: | This study is aimed to explore the factors affecting the psychological contract in the relationship between supervisors and Ph.D students during the doctoral thesis. There are many previous studies on psychological contracts, but this study is conducted in a different context and the Confucian culture chosen did not moderate this relationship. Based on the Social Exchange Theory (SET) developed in social psychology and used to understand relationships as a basis to explain relationships between individuals or individuals in a group. To address the study's research topic, an exploratory qualitative investigation on numerous factors of psychological contract is conducted. In other words, the approach for this study paradigm is qualitative, including interviews. All in-depth interviews for this study were conducted in Ho Chi Minh City, and primary data were gathered from 14 interviews separated into two groups (7 supervisors and 7 Ph.D. students). The study developed a methodology for in-depth, semi-structured interviews as well as a parallel questionnaire for supervisors and Ph.D students in order to compare and contrast the two groups' opinions. The results showed that the factors (Knowledge sharing, Psychological empowerment, Stress) mentioned in the model all had an impact on the psychological contract and the moderator of Confucian values. On the other hand, the study also found that other factors (Trust, Commitment, and External environment) also influence the psychological contract between supervisors and Ph.D students. The findings provide valuable insights in helping to improve the quality of the relationship between supervisors and Ph.D students and generate more positive outcomes from each relationship |
Issue Date: | 2024 |
Publisher: | University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City |
URI: | https://opac.ueh.edu.vn/record=b1038116~S8 https://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/74226 |
Appears in Collections: | MASTER'S THESES