Title: | Draghinomics: a new economic policy of EU and lessons for Vietnam |
Author(s): | Vu Thanh Tung |
Keywords: | Draghinomics; EU economy; Vietnam |
Abstract: | During recent years, Europe has faced many economic problems. EU (European countries, and ECB (European Central Bank) have tried all their best to find solutions to overcome this hard Union), its member period. The President of the ECB, Mario Draghi, has built ‘‘Targeted Longer-term Refinancing Operation’’ (TLTRO), which is considered as one of the most important economic plans in the modern world in order to recover Europe economy. This event has affected not only EU but also the world, including Vietnam. By studying content of Draghinomics, using qualitative method to analyze successes and limits of the theory, this paper draws some experienced lessons for Vietnam when our country is on the way of restructuring the economy. |
Issue Date: | 11-Nov-2016 |
Publisher: | UEH Publishing House |
URI: | http://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/55783 |
Appears in Collections: | Conference Papers