INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS : [1988] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1241 to 1260 of 1988
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Multidimensional perspective of firms’ IT capability between digital business strategy and firms’ efficiency: A case of Chinese SMEsWang Z.
2020Causal relationship among cryptocurrencies: A conditional quantile approachKim M.J.
2020Does Twitter happiness sentiment predict cryptocurrency?Naeem M.A.
2020Team psychological capital and innovation: The mediating of team exploratory and exploitative learningTho N.D.
2020Greening hotels: Does motivating hotel employees promote in-role green performance? The role of culturePham N.T.
2020Impact of internal CSR perception on affective organisational commitment among bank employeesDung L.T.
2022Economic uncertainty and tourism consumptionNguyen Phuc Canh
2020Apply structural equation modeling for the measurement of the national economic expectation: A case study of Vietnamese consumersSon H.V.
2020Impact the internal control of the credit operations on the credit effectiveness of commercial banks: A case of HCMC and Dong Nai provinceThuan P.Q.
2020The role of business strategies on firm quality and competitiveness with the mediation of logistics coordination effectiveness: A case of manufacturing sector of MalaysiaTran Q.H.
2020A moderated mediating mechanism of omnichannel customer experiencesLe A.N.H.
2020Intellectual capital and bank profitability: New evidence from VietnamLe T.D.Q.
2020Corporate social responsibility for women's empowerment: a study on Nigerian banksMogaji E.
2020The concentration-compactness principles for Ws,p(·,·)(RN) and applicationHo K.
2020The impact of perceived accounting benefits on the enterprise resource planning success: The mediating role of effective system useQuyen P.T.B.
2020An investigation of generation Z’s intention to use electronic wallet in VietnamDo N.B.
2020The impact of manager’s demographic characteristics on prospector strategy, use of management accounting systems and financial performanceLiem V.T.
2020TISM modelling of social enterprise ecosystem: A study in Indian contextJain M.
2020Institutions, economic openness and credit cycles: An international evidenceNguyen C.P.
2020Factors affecting job pursuit intention in hotel industry in Ho Chi Minh, Viet NamHoang L.V.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1241 to 1260 of 1988