INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS : [1988] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1361 to 1380 of 1988
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Institutions, human capital and entrepreneurship densityNguyen, B.
2020Formal and informal financing decisions of small businessesNguyen, B.
2020Outpatient perceptions of public hospitals’ services in Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamVan Binh, T.
2020Revisit intention and satisfaction: The role of destination image, perceived risk, and cultural contactNguyen Viet, B.
2020Entrepreneurship and natural resource rent-seeking: the roles of institutional qualityCanh, N.P.
2021What are the drivers of shadow economy? A further evidence of economic integration and institutional qualityCanh, P.N.
2020Exchange rate pass-through: a comparative analysis of inflation targeting & non-targeting ASEAN-5 countriesPham, T.A.T.
2020Reducing corruption through e-government adoption, information and communication technology in asean countriesHartani, N.H.
2020Geographic loan diversification and bank risk: a cross-country analysisLe, T.D.Q.
2020Narrative inquiry into language teachers’ agentive adoption of information and communications technologyPham, C.H.
2021Time-frequency comovement among green bonds, stocks, commodities, clean energy, and conventional bondsNguyen, T.T.H.
2022Modelling cryptocurrency high–low prices using fractional cointegrating VAROlaOluwa S. Yaya
2021Brand equity and customer satisfaction: a comparative analysis of international and domestic tourists in VietnamTran, P.K.T.
2020Determinants of technology adaptation in the supply chains: the case of smes in the industrial zone in vietnamNgo, Q.-T.
2020Necessary conditions for establishing an international financial center in AsiaNguyen, T.C.
2020Smes’ in-house r&d, outsourced r&d or both: the supply-chain fdi linkages and technology transferNgo, Q.-T.
2020The Influence of Tourism on Income InequalityNguyen, C.P.
2020Monetary policy, bank leverage and liquidityDang, V.D.
2020Does economic policy uncertainty matter for insurance development? Evidence from 16 OECD countriesCanh, N.P.
2021Internationalization and product innovation in ASEAN: the moderating role of organizational innovationNguyen-Van, D.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1361 to 1380 of 1988