INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS : [2004] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 2004
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Is green finance really "green"? Examining the long-run relationship between green finance, renewable energy and environmental performance in developing countriesWalid Bakry
2023Influence of unconventional monetary policy on agricultural commodities futures: network connectedness and dynamic spillovers of returns and volatilityZaghum Umar
2023Improving brand performance through environmental reputation: The roles of ethical behaviorand brand satisfactionRobert A. Opoku
2023Inflation-related tax distortions in business valuation models: A clarificationNguyen Kim-Duc
2023Impact of non-renewable energy and natural resources on economic recovery: Empirical evidence from selected developing economiesChenyang Yu
2023How macroeconomic factors drive the linkages between inflation and oil markets in global economies? A multiscale analysisWalid Mensi
2023Ghost fishing gear and their effect on ecosystem services - Identification and knowledge gapsHuu-Luat Do
2023Global energy markets connectedness: evidence from time-frequency domainMobeen Ur Rehman
2023Governance and monetary policy impacts on public acceptance of CBDC adoptionVu Minh Ngo
2023Hölder continuity of solutions for a class of drift-diffusion equationsQuoc-Hung Nguyen
2023Gender discrimination, social networks and access to informal finance of Vietnamese small and medium enterprisesThang Ngoc Bach
2023Firm risk and tax avoidance in Vietnam: Do good board characteristics interfere effectively?Trung Kien Tran
2023Frequency spillovers between green bonds, global factors and stock market before and during COVID-19 crisisWalid Mensix
2023Firm's innovation activities across ASEAN countries: Examining the impacts of management experience, management practices and the moderating role of female CEOsBich Ngoc Do
2023Extension of goal-directed behavior model for post-pandemic Korean travel intentions to alternative local destinations: Perceived risk and knowledgeHeesup Han
2023Financial connectedness and risk transmission among MENA countries: Evidence from connectedness network and clustering analysisMehmet Balcilar
2023Extreme linkages of carbon futures, energy markets, and economic indicators: A copula approachNader Trabelsi
2023Environmental effects of Maersk Line's global container shipping operationNguyen Khoi Tran
2023Energy transition concern: Time-varying effect of climate policy uncertainty on renewables consumptionYue Xi
2023Examining contagion effects between global crude oil prices and the Southeast Asian stock markets during the COVID-19 pandemicMien Thi Ngoc Nguyen
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 2004