Title: | Marital satisfaction affects workplace creativity: Religious Homogamy and Forgiveness |
Author(s): | Le Ngoc Anh Khoa |
Keywords: | Religious homogamy; Forgiveness; Marital satisfaction; Family; Workplace |
Abstract: | To understand more how significantly the married life can affect the workplace creativity through the theory of family-work enrichment, religious homogamy and forgiveness are selected as two main factors to investigate how marital satisfaction can affect workplace creativity through the spillover of psychological resources from family to work. After collecting the data of 209 people who have husband/wife, the data shows the positive relationship among religious homogamy and forgiveness to the marital satisfaction. Religious homogamy is also stressed as the most pronounced when the spouses satisfied with their marriage. Besides, the result also demonstrates the significant of marital satisfaction indirectly effect the workplace creativity through the family-work resources spillover. Overall, the research shows that the creativity of employees can be influenced by their marriage which can be affected by religious homogamy and forgiveness. |
Issue Date: | 2018 |
Publisher: | UEH Publishing House |
URI: | http://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/57743 |
Appears in Collections: | Conference Papers