Title: | Setting Up and Running Engineering Businesses in Vietnam as a Foreigner |
Author(s): | Lee Kar Heng |
Keywords: | Engineers; Engineering; Entrepreneur; Start up; Business |
Abstract: | Engineers invent new products, determine new methodologies and create new solutions. How can these skills and knowledge be used in setting up a business? Engineers analyse and fix daily problems with great ideas, and discuss their start up ideas, with their classmates, friends and family members. Many believe that it is just only a short step to take the inventions or methodologies to start up as an entrepreneur, in this case, why are there only several successful engineers-turned-entrepreneurs? In this case, in a foreign country? This paper discusses who an engineering entrepreneur is and how success is being measured. The author will share his experiences on how he had transited from being an engineer to becoming an entrepreneur in a foreign country. Finally, the paper will discuss the contradicting attributes and route to becoming an entrepreneur and subsequently, a leader to maintain the business. This paper also discusses the difference in management style between Singaporean and Vietnamese Management. |
Issue Date: | 2018 |
Publisher: | UEH Publishing House |
URI: | http://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/57747 |
Appears in Collections: | Conference Papers