Title: | A Co-citation and Co-word analysis of social entrepreneurship research |
Author(s): | Tan Luc P. |
Keywords: | Co-citation analysis; Co-word analysis; Social entrepreneurship |
Abstract: | This article aims to provide the intellectual structure and the evolution of research themes in social entrepreneurship. The authors deploy co-citation and co-word analyses to scrutinise 1278 social entrepreneurship research from the Web of Science database. In the co-citation analysis, five themes in social entrepreneurship are identified. These include the concept development of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise; bricolage and issues related to management in social entrepreneurship; opportunity recognition, motivation and intention; social innovation in social entrepreneurship; and institutional contexts. After that, the co-word analysis is used to comprehend the evolution of each research theme and to uncover potential future research directions. This research contributes to social entrepreneurship literature by combining co-citation analysis and keyword analysis to determine the literature structure and potential research directions. |
Issue Date: | 2020 |
Publisher: | Routledge |
URI: | http://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/62348 |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2020.1782971 |
ISBN: | 1942-0676 |