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dc.contributor.advisorNguyễn Huệ Minhen_US
dc.contributor.authorVõ Thị Kim Ngânen_US
dc.contributor.otherNguyễn Thị Bảo Trangen_US
dc.contributor.otherĐinh Thị Kim Thanhen_US
dc.contributor.otherNguyễn Ngọc Như Hảoen_US
dc.description.abstractThe severity of the e-waste (or electronic trash) crisis can be attributed to the lack of consumer involvement in assuring the correct disposal of such materials. Additionally, recycling properly is a crucial step toward achieving sustainable development. In business management, electronic technology manufacturers or eretailers are making efforts to encourage the behavioral intention to return e-waste in their reverse logistics operations. Therefore, this study aims to examine factors affecting the intention of Vietnamese consumers with e-waste returning. In this study, the Valence Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior are combined as theoretical foundation to construct a research framework that explain the relationship between (1) attitude, (2) subjective norm, (3) perceived benefit, (4) perceived risk, (5) value compatibility, (6) openness to change, (7) environmental concern and e-waste returning intention. Mixedmethod is employed with qualitative and quantitative techniques. Qualitative research was conducted through an in-depth business interview process. As a result, two moderators namely (1) financial support and (2) non-financial values were added to the research model. After that, quantitative research was conducted via a questionnaire survey. Based on 351 responses, structural equation modeling was used to test the research model. The analytical results on direct effect show that intention to return is significantly influenced by attitude, subjective norm, perceived benefit, value compatibility, openness to change, and environmental concern. Regarding moderating effects: financial support positively moderates the relationship between attitude, subjective norm, perceived benefit and intentions to engage in e-waste return. This study not only enhances empirical insights into the dimensions underlying consumers’ e-waste recycling intentions but also broadens the comprehension of how subjective values, especially the reverse logistics operations in the Vietnamese market for e-waste, shape consumer values and influence behavioral intentions.en_US
dc.format.medium104 p.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Economics Ho Chi Minh Cityen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGiải thưởng Nhà nghiên cứu trẻ UEH 2023en_US
dc.subjectReverse logisticsen_US
dc.subjectIntention to returnen_US
dc.subjectTheory of planned behavioren_US
dc.subjectValence theoryen_US
dc.titleReverse logistics in Vietnam: Factors affecting e-waste return intention for recyclingen_US
dc.typeResearch Paperen_US
ueh.specialityThương mại – quản trị kinh doanh và du lịch – marketingen_US
ueh.awardGiải Ben_US
item.fulltextFull texts-
item.openairetypeResearch Paper-
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