INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS : [1988] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1001 to 1020 of 1988
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Role of education in poverty reduction: macroeconomic and social determinants form developing economiesLiu F.
2021Financial services experience and consumption in NigeriaSoetan T.O.
2022HSV model-based segmentation driven facial acne detection using deep learningNeha Yadav 
2021Testing role of green financing on climate change mitigation: Evidences from G7 and E7 countriesWu X.
2021A cross-linguistic approach to analysing cohesive devices in expository writing by Asian EFL teachersHung B.P.
2022Stakeholder pressure for eco-friendly practices, international orientation, and eco-innovation: A study of small and medium-sized enterprises in VietnamNguyen Phong Nguyen 
2021Assessment of the impacts of social capital on the profit of shrimp farming production in the Mekong Delta, VietnamDuy D.T.
2021Economic restructuring and employment in vietnam: A panel granger causality approachTrong N.T.
2021Return and volatility connectedness of Chinese onshore, offshore, and forward exchange rateZhao Y.
2023Contribution of corporate social responsibility on SMEs' performance in an emerging market – the mediating roles of brand trust and brand loyaltyLe Thanh T.
2021Hardy factorization in terms of fractional commutators in Lorentz spacesDao N.A.
2023The role of investor behavior in emerging stock markets: Evidence from VietnamPhan T.N.T.
2021Second-order lagrange multiplier rules in multiobjective optimal control of infinite dimensional systems under state constraints and mixed pointwise constraintsNguyen Dinh T.
2021Does geopolitical risk matter for corporate investment? Evidence from emerging countries in AsiaLe A.T.
2023SMEs’ efficiency in a transitional economy: does innovation and public support schemes matter?Doan A.T.
2021The impact of financial distress on tax avoidance: An empirical analysis of the Vietnamese listed companiesDang V.C.
2023Local government capacity and total factor productivity growth: evidence from an Asian emerging economyThanh Dinh S.
2021Technological- and non-technological innovation during the growth phase of industry life cycle: an evidence from Vietnamese manufacturing enterprisesVo-Thai H.-C.
2023Different firm responses to the COVID-19 pandemic shocks: machine-learning evidence on the Vietnamese labor marketLe L.H.V.
2021The nexus between black and digital gold: evidence from US marketsHuynh T.L.D.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1001 to 1020 of 1988