INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS : [1988] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1021 to 1040 of 1988
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Arbitrage with exchange-traded funds: a case of E1VFVN30 based on intraday dataDo H.P.
2021Can foreign ownership reduce bank risk? Evidence from VietnamLe T.D.Q.
2021Assessment of environmental implications of energy consumption towards sustainable development in G7 countriesGyamfi B.A.
2021Tax policy and environmental impact of FDI: Empirical evidence in developing countriesVan M.M.H.
2022Revisiting critical factors of logistics outsourcing relationship: a multiple-case study approachThai Van Vinh
2022A note on the smallest semicopula-based universal integral and an applicationTran Nhat Luan 
2021The vulnerability effect of international tourism on a destination’s economyNguyen C.P.
2021Impact of uncertainty and start-up opportunities on technopreneurial start-up success in emerging countriesThanh T.L.
2022Trust and the stock market reaction to lockdown and reopening announcements: A cross-country evidenceLijuan Xie 
2021Institutional quality and risk in the banking systemCanh N.P.
2021Assessing the capacity of renewable power production for green energy system: a way forward towards zero carbon electrificationChien F.S.
2021The hype of social capital in the finance-growth nexusRaheem I.D.
2021Brand crisis response strategies: a typologies continuumDo B.N.
2021Awareness, energy consumption and pro-environmental choices of Chinese householdsLi X.
2021Weighted gradient estimates for the class of very singular p-Laplace systemDo T.D.
2021The impact of corporate social responsibility on the risk of commercial banks with different levels of financial constraintNguyen L.T.
2021What is the optimal weight for gold in a portfolio?Lucey B.M.
2021Dynamic heterogeneous analysis of pollution reduction in SANEM countries: lessons from the energy-investment interactionMesagan E.P.
2021The impact of natural resources, energy consumption, and population growth on environmental quality: Fresh evidence from the United States of AmericaKhan I.
2021The impact of economic and financial activities on air quality: a Chinese city perspectiveCanh N.P.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1021 to 1040 of 1988